species specific behavior

species specific behavior
видоспецифическое поведение
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видоспецифическое поведение

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "species specific behavior" в других словарях:

  • Species-typical behavior — or species specific behavior is a concept in ethology. It refers to behavior that is commonly engaged in by members of a species. Fixed action patterns are a type of species typical behavior …   Wikipedia

  • Видоспецифичное поведение (species-specific behavior) — Мн. поведенческие модели животных присущи всем представителям вида и развиваются без к. л. специфического опыта научения. Иногда эти модели (или паттерны) называют В. п. Однако тех, кто начинает изучать видоспецифичные поведенческие модели,… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • behavior — behavioral, adj. behaviorally, adv. /bi hayv yeuhr/, n. 1. manner of behaving or acting. 2. Psychol., Animal Behav. a. observable activity in a human or animal. b. the aggregate of responses to internal and external stimuli. c. a stereotyped,… …   Universalium

  • behavior — be•hav•ior [[t]bɪˈheɪv yər[/t]] n. 1) the manner of conducting oneself 2) psl Psychol., Animal Behav. a) observable activity in a human or animal b) the aggregate of responses to internal and external stimuli c) a stereotyped species specific… …   From formal English to slang

  • Species — In biology, a species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is …   Wikipedia

  • Behavior analysis of child development — Child development in behavior analytic theory has origins in John B. Watson s behaviorism.[1] Watson wrote extensively on child development and conducted research (see Little Albert experiment). Watson was instrumental in the modification of… …   Wikipedia

  • Species distribution — A species range maps represents the geographical region where individuals of a species can be found. This is a range map of Juniperus communis, the common juniper. Species distribution is the manner in which a biological taxon is spatially… …   Wikipedia

  • behavior — 1. Any response emitted by or elicited from an organism. 2. Any mental or motor act or activity. 3. Specifically, parts of a total response pattern. [M.E., fr. O. Fr. avoir, to have] adaptive b. any b. that enables an organism to adjust to a… …   Medical dictionary

  • Homosexual behavior in animals — For homosexuality in humans, see homosexuality. Homosexual behavior in animals refers to the documented evidence of homosexual and bisexual behavior in non human species. Such behaviors include sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinosaur behavior — is difficult for paleontologists to study since much of paleontology is dependent solely on the physical remains of ancient life. However, trace fossils and paleopathology can give insight into dinosaur behavior. Interpretations of dinosaur… …   Wikipedia

  • Cultural behavior — is behavior exhibited by humans (and, some would argue, by other species as well, though to a much lesser degree) that is extrasomatic or extragenetic, in other words, learned. Contents 1 Learned Behavior 2 Concepts, Generalizations, Abstractions …   Wikipedia

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